
My Grandfather

He is more coherent and has better motor control, so they are keeping him at home for now. This is good news. Unfortunately my grandmother has come down with the flu, which is always a risk for somebody at her age and health level. Plus my aunt also has it, and is the primary care provider for both of them. Definitely a rough week in that house. I am still so pissed about the lack of what I consider decent... read more

More On How I Feel About the Medical Industry

First I will start with the general. I do not like the medical profession laying their personal, or societal opinions on an individuals medical care unless they are specifically asked, “Well, what would you do?” Then I will move onto a story about somebody I knew. There was a woman who used to clean my house. She was nice enough, but unfortunately was entirely too chatty. As the result I know a... read more

a northern zodiacal constellation between Gemini and Leo

I don’t have a thyroid. When I was born, I had one, but in 2002 some guy surgically removed it because: It was the size of a grapefruit. I couldn’t breathe. And oh, I had cancer. In about 2.5 more years if it doesn’t reoccur I can answer “no” on the cancer question for medical insurance. For right now, I can’t get medical insurance unless it is through an employer group... read more

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